Improving My Skin
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Improving My Skin

After I started working full time, I realized that the stress wasn't doing nice things to my skin. Instead of my typical glowing appearance, I was left with splotchy, uncomfortable, pimple-ridden skin. I didn't like how it looked or felt, which is why I decided to see about visiting a dermatologist. It was amazing to see how well he cared for me after I went. He felt my skin, gave me some advice on daily cleaning, and talked with me about which medications might help. I was absolutely blown away with how much of an improvement he helped me to achieve. This blog is all about the wonders of modern day dermatology.


Improving My Skin

  • Suffering From Hair In Unwanted Places? Two Of The Best Homemade Hair Removal Solutions

    10 February 2016

    Like animal fur, hair is what helps humans to stay insulated. However, what are you supposed to do about the unwanted body hair that grows on your back, feet hands or face? Unwanted hair is one of the most common cosmetic problems that women face these days and it's normally caused by a hormonal imbalance due to menstrual cycles or a pregnancy. Now you can treat this problem right at home.