Improving My Skin
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Improving My Skin

After I started working full time, I realized that the stress wasn't doing nice things to my skin. Instead of my typical glowing appearance, I was left with splotchy, uncomfortable, pimple-ridden skin. I didn't like how it looked or felt, which is why I decided to see about visiting a dermatologist. It was amazing to see how well he cared for me after I went. He felt my skin, gave me some advice on daily cleaning, and talked with me about which medications might help. I was absolutely blown away with how much of an improvement he helped me to achieve. This blog is all about the wonders of modern day dermatology.


Improving My Skin

4 Things Dermal Fillers Can Do For You

Phillip Lucas

An excellent skin care routine can keep your skin looking youthful and beautiful. However, there are some effective treatments that only your dermatologist can provide. Dermal filler injections are minimally invasive cosmetic treatments that can alter your looks in subtle and dramatic ways. Dermal fillers can be administered quickly and relatively painlessly. Here are four things that dermal fillers can do for you:

1. Enhance your nose.

If you're unhappy with your nose, you'll be glad to know that there cosmetic procedures that can help you change it. Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that can alter the shape and size of your nose. However, surgery is an irreversible solution.

Dermal fillers can provide an alternative. Your dermatologist can straighten a crooked nose bridge by injecting dermal fillers into it. Dermal fillers can also be used to refine the tip of your nose. Some people are so happy with the results of dermal filler injections that they decide to forego rhinoplasty altogether.

2. Create fuller lips.

Full, plump lips are considered aesthetically appealing by many. People with naturally thin lips may want to enhance this facial feature using dermal fillers. Lip fillers are a common cosmetic procedure. During this treatment, your dermatologist will inject small amounts of dermal filler into key points of your lips. The result will be fuller, more shapely lips.

3. Eliminate under-eye bags and dark circles eyes. 

If you've ever had a poor night's sleep, you may have experienced the negative effects it can have on your appearance. People who aren't well-rested sometimes develop dark circles under their eyes. However, dark circles and under-eye bags can also be genetic. If you're tired of hiding your dark circles using concealer, dermal fillers can provide a long-term solution. Your dermatologist will use dermal fillers to elevate the skin beneath your eyes, helping you look fresh, youthful, and alert.

4. Smooth away wrinkles.

Wrinkles are a natural consequence of the aging process. As you get older, your skin naturally produces less collagen, becoming less elastic than it used to be. Permanent expression lines and wrinkles can results. While some topical treatments can ease the appearance of wrinkles, dermal fillers are the most effective solution. Your dermatologist can use dermal fillers to literally fill in your wrinkles. Dermal filler treatments can also last several months. When the results of this procedure finally wear off, you can return to your dermatologist for additional treatments.
