Improving My Skin
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Improving My Skin

After I started working full time, I realized that the stress wasn't doing nice things to my skin. Instead of my typical glowing appearance, I was left with splotchy, uncomfortable, pimple-ridden skin. I didn't like how it looked or felt, which is why I decided to see about visiting a dermatologist. It was amazing to see how well he cared for me after I went. He felt my skin, gave me some advice on daily cleaning, and talked with me about which medications might help. I was absolutely blown away with how much of an improvement he helped me to achieve. This blog is all about the wonders of modern day dermatology.


Improving My Skin

Check Out Your Moles: What You Need To Know About Self-Checks

Phillip Lucas

Moles are more than just spots on your skin. Each one is a potential health hazard. While most moles remain benign spots on your body, others can develop into cancerous growths. Because of that danger, you need to know how to identify the moles on your body. Here's what you need to know about doing self-check mole inspections.

Know What Your Body Looks Like

If you've never done a self-check for moles before, you might not know what your body looks like. That's okay. Use the first self-check as a way to gain a base-line understanding of your skin. Keep a note pad with you during the initial self-check so that you can take notes about the moles you find on your skin.

It's also a good idea to have a magnifying glass with you. The magnifying glass will allow you to take a close look at the small moles you might find. As you find a mole, write down where you found it and what it looks like, including size, shape and color. This will help you recognize any changes the next time you do a self-check. You should do a self-check once a month so you can catch changes quickly.

Know What To Look For

When you're inspecting the moles on your body, it's important that you know what you're looking for. You can learn vital information through these monthly self-checks. Here are five things you need to look for:


Take a look at each of the moles on your body. Healthy moles should be the same size all the way around. In fact, they should symmetrical, meaning you could fold one side on to the other and both sides would match. Moles that are asymmetrical should be checked out.


Moles should have a smooth appearance around the outer edges. If you find moles that have unusual borders – such as jagged, uneven, or blurred – you should contact your dermatologist.


Moles are usually the same color all the way through, whether they're black, brown, or light brown. If you discover a mole that has different colors throughout, including red or white, you should have your moles looked at by a professional as soon as possible.


Size can be another cause for alarm when it comes to moles. If you have moles that are larger than the diameter of a pencil eraser, you need to have them checked out by a doctor.


This is the part of the inspection where you'll look for specific changes to existing moles or identify new moles that might have developed since your last self-check. If you find changes to existing moles or discover new moles, you need to contact your dermatologist as soon as possible.

About 3.3 million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. You can help protect yourself by conducting self-checks. These self-checks will help you identify moles that might pose a cancer risk. For questions or concerns, contact a company like Northwest  Dermatology.
